Content Amidst the Chaos

Just another weblog

Manage-it Monday and Take-it-easy Tuesday November 10, 2009

Filed under: Manage-It Monday,Superman,Take-It-Easy Tuesday — jps23 @ 7:19 pm

I’ve been thinking about themes for my blog posts to keep me focused and on track with my posts.  I don’t want to use the same old stuff everyone else uses, but I do want practical topics that you all will be interested in.  I know that friends and family will want to keep up with the kids on here, but in all honesty, how many of you really want to hear every detail of my childrens’ lives on here?  Not many, I’m sure.  So I think Monday will be “Manage-it Monday”.  A day where I post how I managed a particular task or activity.  It may relate to my kids, but more than likely it will relate to the house, the job, or some other practical matter.  I missed posting yesterday because my husband’s computer adaptor died on us and my computer needed some repair.  Thankfully, my best friend is married to a computer whiz (that just sounds better than ‘nerd’), and he managed to fix my computer!  Yay!

Tuesday may not be as useful for you, but I love it!  It is the only day we have nothing to do after preschool/work.  I swore we’d never be one of those families, but it kind of crept up on us this year!  Monday is ballet for S1 and S2, Wednesday is church, Thursday is playgroup (which we may or may not always do) and gymnastics for S3, and although we have no school on Fridays, we have therapy for S4 and S5.  And technically, I’m supposed to be covering the hours my big girls don’t get at the preschool in their 1st grade homeschool co-op class on Fridays, but those hours are usually scattered throughout the week.  This Tuesday, we are chilling out inside due to the rain.  We certainly have plenty of cleaning to do, and I’m hoping to get some of it done before my brother-in-law comes over today.  I know his opinion shouldn’t matter, but I do want the house to be semi-presentable when he gets here.  He’s coming over for a bro-date with the hubby.  I tell him all the time that he needs to please, please, please take care of himself and do those man things from time to time so he doesn’t turn into Jon Gosselin.  One day, the man’s trugging through the hard  days, loving his kids and trying to keep the balance in his family, and then the next day he wakes up and decides he doesn’t want to do it anymore.  Now I know some people are Kate-haters and think she pushed him away, and you may be right.  I don’t really care.  I just know this life can be hard, and I don’t want it to overwhelm either of us to the point we just want to walk away.  So, after he had a hard day at work yesterday counting beans, I told him he needs to take a night off with someone.  If he just goes to the bookstore, he’ll make a list in his head of all the things he could be doing at home.  He needed someone to talk to and distract him from the business of life.  He and BIL don’t spend a whole lot of time together, and they live two very different lives, but they pick up right where they leave off when they are together and have a wonderful time.  So they are catching a movie and a bite to eat.  I also rely on BIL to go with hubby to all the movies I have no desire to see, like Paranormal Activity, and movies of the like.  So, I’m trying to chill a little today, pace myself for the evening, so that he can take-it-easy for once.  If you know my husband, he certainly is not the typical guy and does way more than any girl could hope or want in a family.  He’s my Superman.  I like that, so I’ll probably refer to him by that name from now on here in blogland.  If I gave you his real name, then once you really get to know him through here, you’d probably hunt him down and try to steal him!  I’m so blessed!